Frequently Asked Questions

We will contact you to schedule your first lesson within two business days of registration. Most new students can be accommodated within one week!
The First step in getting ready for an online lesson is making sure you have access to a strong Wi-Fi connection.

Equipment Needed

  1. Laptop to run Zoom (online meeting platform)
  2. Corded Headset/Headphones
  3. Microphone: Either built-in to computer, headset/headphones or a separate USB stationary corded microphone (recommended).
  4. 2nd Device (Smart Phone or Tablet) to play accompaniment and karaoke tracks.

Applications Required

Download and install the Zoom application on your laptop. Zoom is the online meeting platform that offers the most benefit to online voice lessons.

For Iphone and Ipad owners: Download the Appcompanist app on your smart phone or tablet and set up an account. This will allow you to sing along to professionally recorded accompanist tracks during your lesson for musical theater and classical repertoire.

Download the “Youtube” app on your smart phone or tablet in order to sing along to karaoke tracks of more contemporary genres.

Setting Up Your Lesson Space

  1. Set up for your voice lesson in a room that:
    • receives a strong Wi-Fi connection
    • is bright
    • is free from distraction.
  2. Elevate your laptop so that it is approximately eye-height as you will be standing during your voice lesson.
  3. Angle your camera so that as much of your torso is in the frame as possible.
  4. Have your sheet music elevated to avoid awkward singing posture during the repertoire portion of lessons. (A Music stand works best).
  5. Join the zoom waiting room a couple minutes early and test your audio and video connection to ensure a good quality.

You’re ready to Begin!


No, For your convenience, single lessons are available for purchase commitment free here. 


No. Although a home piano makes practicing and learning music easier, there are many free piano apps available that will suffice. If you choose to invest in a piano at home, we recommend you purchase a touch-sensitive, weighted-key, full-size keyboard like the one found in our Recommended Resources.

Monthly membership students are scheduled on a semester basis. Rescheduling is always accommodated with 14 days’ notice.


Membership tuition is charged to your card on file automatically on the same day each month. This ensures that your set lesson time is available to you.

We are sorry to see you go! Future billing may be cancelled given fifteen days’ written notice. Account holders who wish to end their membership and subsequent billing with Joyful Voice should submit their request by email to

Yes! Joyful Voice is equipped to meet the needs of those who want to learn from any part of the world. We offer online lessons using Zoom.


Questions? Don't Wait, Reach Out Today!

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